Friday, May 24, 2013

Best tips about Green Tea

tGreen Tea
What is the best way to make green tea?
When is the right time for drinking green tea?
How much green tea should drink per day?
What makes green tea different from other types of tea?
Can I give my baby green tea?
What are the contraindications of green tea?
If you want to know other useful things about Green Tea read following tips:
1. For making green tea :
· 1 teaspoonful of tea per person into the teapot.
· You can use 1 tea bag per person into the teapot or cup.
· For every one spoon, one cup of hot water with a temperature of 75 to 85 degrees added to the teapot.
· Lid and leave for 5 to 7 minutes.
2. The best time to drink green tea for weight loss is 2-3 hours after eating the meal.
3. Usually recommended to drink 3-4 cups of Green Tea per day.
4. Many properties of green tea are associated with a substance called Catechin. Catechin antioxidant activity was very high.
5. Antioxidants found in green tea are much stronger than well-known antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E.
6. Green tea can help people who have a weight loss diet.
7. Green tea Due to antimicrobial properties can prevent food poisoning.
8. Green tea can destroy bacteria that cause dental plaque and prevent tooth decay.
9. Drinking green tea could prevent rheumatoid arthritis or reduce its symptoms.
10. Drinking green tea can eliminate negative effects of smoking and a fatty diet.
11. Compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
12. Process of green tea is much shorter than other types of tea; green tea is not fermented, and thus preserved its antioxidants.
13. Migraine sufferers should be cautious to consume green tea
14. Excessive consumption of green tea in some people, causing symptoms such as nervousness, insomnia, and restlessness.
15. Due to the high risk of caffeine in green tea to the fetus, green tea is not recommended for pregnant women.
16. Since caffeine is transferred to the baby through breast milk, green tea is not recommended for women during lactation.
17. Green tea is not recommended in children and growing ages.

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